
What Would Frogger Do? + Workshop Invite

I know it’s going to sound really strange, but when I think about client enrollment, it’s helpful for me to picture a pond.

(Perhaps I was a frog in a past life?) 🐸

Picture your pond now.

When you start an enrollment conversation, your PC (potential client) is at one end of the pond and you are offering a boat ride to the other side.

By the end of the enrollment process (perhaps 2 or 3 conversations), the PC is at the other end of the pond and you have facilitated an experience of transformation.

Perhaps you’ve even taken them from tadpole to frog, or frog to prince or princess!

How do you do this?

For me, it’s all about the lily pads.

So now picture 5 lily pads spaced out and floating in your pond.

The lily pads are the required stops along the journey from one end of the pond to the other - they are the places you will visit in your conversation.

Making sure you visit these spots with your PC is how you create a transformational experience, which can lead to a PC asking, “How do we keep doing this?”

While every enrollment conversation looks different and is tailored to the person I’m sitting with, ALL of them include the 5 lily pads - every single time.

You can see what I mean below.

Most conversations flow like A. Sometimes, it’s more like B. And sometimes, it’s like C

And clients have signed up to work with me from all three scenarios. 

Because we explored those lily pads, a shift occurred inside the PC which led to an insight or improvement in one or more areas of their lives. That’s what people want more of! 

This is the enrollment conversation journey. It’s flexible and impactful.

It allows you as the coach to relax, be present, and serve at your highest level. 

Think about your enrollment conversations. 

What are your lily pads? Do you have a process for transformation? 

While skipping stones across a pond is fun, skipping steps (or lily pads) in the enrollment journey is not. 

That would be like tossing the PC out of your boat in the middle of the pond and saying, “See ya, swim to shore.” 

It makes for a bumpy ride (for both of you) and, if you get there, a shaky proposal. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel confident, relaxed and at ease in enrollment? 

Never wondering, “Am I doing this right?” or thinking, “Gosh, I’m rusty on this enrollment thing.” 

When I hear phrases like that from my clients who are coaches, it’s usually because a lily pad (or two) has been skipped. 

If you’d like to learn more about these 5 lily pads and how to confidently create an enrollment journey, here's an invitation for you.

Join me on June 4th for a complimentary  workshop for coaches called “Bust the Rust: And Strengthen Enrollment Skills. 


  • Date: Sunday, June 4
  • Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm EST
  • Zoom Workshop
  • Complimentary

Rust can build up when we get out of practice.

Unless, you have a system that can easily bust the rust and eliminate it entirely. You can strengthen and fine tune all things enrollment once you have your lily pads in place. 

In this workshop, you will: 

  • Understand the Enrollment Journey, Your Role, and the 5 Key Transformation Opportunities (the lily pads)

  • Create a Mindset Routine for Serving, Trusting, and Unattaching

  • Get Language for proposals, (the Courage to Zip Your Lips) and Guidance on Next Steps

  • Take Away a Self-Assessment Tool to Stay Sharp and in Learning Mode

  • Feel Confident and Joy for your Practice - and Actually Want to Go Practice, Practice, Practice. 

If you're ready to to bust the rust and nail your lily pads like an Olympic frogger, click HERE to register: 

🐸 🏆 🐸

Cheering for you,


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