
Enrollment Masterclass Series For Professional Coaches 

Let's create transformational conversations and powerful proposals! 


Dear Coach,

It’s time to love enrollment as much as you love coaching.

This is the only way to a successful coaching business.

I can show you how to do it ... and who you need to be to get there.

See you inside the two workshops,


Welcome to the Enrollment Masterclass Series For Professional Coaches

A two-part complimentary workshop series focused on client creation through service and slowed down conversations.

PART 1: ROCK &  ENROLL Complimentary Workshop

Date: Friday, April 19, 2024
Time: 3:00 - 5:30 pm ET / 12:00 - 2:30 pm PT

 Love enrollment as much as you love coaching.

 Learn a simple system for creating transformational conversations that people want more of. 

 Stop rushing, find your rhythm and confidently coach anyone, anytime.

Workshop Completed. Join for the Next One - Relax and Propose on May 17

PART 2: RELAX & PROPOSE Complimentary Workshop

Date: Friday, May 17, 2024
Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm ET / 12:00 - 2 pm PT

 Love proposing because it creates more coaching.

 Learn how to lead, respond and coach in this part of the conversation with integrity and non-attachment. 

 Avoid collapse, strengthen your leadership skills and end calls powerfully. 

Learn More & Reserve Your Spot

With an enrollment system like this, you'll always be stuck on ready — never rusty. 

Hi, I'm Mary, a Coach's Coach:

I have been asked countless times, "How do you get clients" and "How did you succeed so quickly?"

In this Enrollment Masterclass Series, I’m sharing everything I know for creating clients with confidence and enthusiasm. There's no paywall. It's all yours.

So come, peek inside my brain and my practice. Get inspiration and get into action.

I’m going to give you the steps, scripts, and strategies that helped me create a thriving, multi-six figure coaching practice through the “Prosperous Coach” approach.

But we are not stopping there.  

Because being an entrepreneur and coach means every day is a personal growth seminar whether you like it or not.

And how you show up for yourself and your business matters more than any tool I can give you.

Therefore, we'll also spend time on the mindset, thinking patterns and ways of being that are needed to create not only the results you want but who you need to be to achieve, enjoy and embrace your journey. 

So if "practical + magical" is your jam, let's do this!


Working with Mary has been a transformative experience. In the past, I felt stuck, overwhelmed, and uncertain about how to effectively enroll clients. I lacked confidence and struggled to articulate my offerings in a compelling way. Through Mary’s expert guidance and her comprehensive process for enrollment, I gained invaluable insights and skills that have propelled my business to new heights. The strategies and techniques I learned have enabled me to enroll more clients than ever before, leading to significant growth in my business. I'm incredibly grateful to Mary. Her mentorship has not only enhanced my enrollment skills but has also instilled a newfound confidence in myself and my business.”
Hannah Montero
Intuitive Life & Business Coach

Enrollment Masterclass Series Part 2


Friday, May 17 @ 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET

This workshop is about proposals, leadership at the end, and fearless conversations about money, transformation, and time.

Proposals can be a mixed bag for coaches. One part excitement, two parts fear, a dash of desperation and a sprinkle of confidence and collapse. Mix it altogether and you have less than ideal leadership and a bumpy ride. 

In my first year as a full-time coach, I remember making a really large proposal for a company that included 1:1 coaching for the leader and a series of team workshops. It was a struggle just to get my mouth to say the numbers! My mouth wanted to malfunction. 

Fast forward to today, and proposals are one of my favorite things in enrollment because I relate to it so much differently now. 

Proposals ARE NOT:

  • An evaluation of you, your worthiness, or the other person. It's not a courtroom - so stop judging. 
  • Scary, slimy, difficult or hard.
  • Different than the enrollment conversations you've just had.

 Proposals ARE:

  • Amazing! Fun! Like a favorite dessert! 
  • An opportunity to develop greater coaching skills: presence, courage, curiosity, listening and supporting.  
  • Portals to take the coaching even deeper - this one actually makes me giddy sometimes! 

Here's what it takes to embrace proposals and this part of the conversation:

  • A simple and clear structure that feels as easy to say as your phone number.  
  • New thoughts that support you being more present, curious, playful and unattached. 
  • A commitment to transformation regardless of whether you get paid or not.
  • A new mindset and relationship with money, abundance and security.

We are going to do the inner and outer work required to create change.

In this 2 hour workshop, I'm going to teach you the practical steps for powerful proposals and the important mindset shifts needed to deliver your proposals with confidence, ease and calm. 

I'll share with you some of the most interesting proposals I've made, the initial (and surprising) responses I got, and how I took the coaching even deeper! You'll get to practice real life scenarios and create your own authentic responses.  

You'll also hear about my post-proposal mindset routine that keeps me feeling uplifted, in action and sleeping like a puppy at night. 

If proposals still feel like a thorn in your side and spike your blood pressure, join me to explore you next level of growth in this workshop.

Let's go! 

In Relax & Propose, You Will:

  • Learn two different ways to make a proposal and 5 key proposals questions, so you never don't know what to say. 

  • Review real-life proposal conversations and practice responding to different scenarios with curiosity and confidence. 

  • Understand how to use proposals for deeper coaching.  

  • Establish a mindset routine for before, during and after proposals. 

  • Feel confident and ready for your next proposal with new ideas and language to implement. 
  • Receive a proposal guide plus the recording for future reference. 

Curiosity never killed a coach.

Join the Relax and Propose Workshop to make curiosity your superpower in proposals. 

My Confession:

When I received my first YES to a coaching proposal one month into launching my coaching business, I felt like a million bucks. The session ended, I walked to the beach feeling fantastic and called my sister to share the good news. This was it I thought — soon I'll be able to quit my job, coach full time, and live my dream life. Aww yeah! 

Four days later, the new client hadn't paid and emailed me saying he had changed his mind and was not going to move forward. 

Ouch! Big ego bruise and fantasy interrupted.

And the worst part, I didn't have a coach at the time who could coach me through it. I was winging it — badly.

When I look back at my process and communication at that time, I cringe.

Inside this workshop, I'll even show you some of those cringy messages — you'll laugh.

Getting coaching on the enrollment process, proposals and leadership would have been immensely helpful back then.

Thankfully, I quickly connected with wise and supportive coaches and didn't flounder for too long after that. And I've never been without a coach since.

Overcoming Objections Is Out

I don't like the idea of "overcoming objections." It has a pushy, authoritative energy. And it totally goes against everything you have just done in your coaching conversations, which was partnering with someone on their heartfelt dreams. Trying to "overcome objections" will create dissonance and disconnection. 

Instead of overcoming objections, I recommend asking permission, offering "portals of possibility" and taking the coaching deeper with "mic drop" questions. I'll share my top 5 in this workshop.

Remember, coaching is by choice, not by force. And your job as a coach is to ask great questions, connect people with what they really want, and support their choices. 


It's All Learnable and Doable — Always! 

Depending on your upbringing, prior career, and other life factors, talking about money and stating fees may be really uncomfortable for you and bring up a lot of "stuff." 

You know what I say to that? Wonderful—what a golden opportunity for growth! 

I invite you to join this workshop to transform that "stuff" into relaxed proposals and strong leadership. Take what has helped me create a multi-six figure coaching business — and make it your own. 

Relax & Propose is possible. It's what I experience as a coach, but not by accident! It's cultivated and nurtured. 

Worth the attention and effort? Yep! 100%.

The world needs your gifts, Coach. So let's clear up the "stuff" and propose powerfully.

I can't wait to see you and serve you inside the workshop. It's going to be so FUN! 

Cheering for you,


JOIN NOW! Enrollment Masterclass Series Part 2


Friday, May 17 @ 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET

2 hour workshop

Upon submission, you'll receive a confirmation email. Check spam if you don't see it.


Mary is warm but demanding, and she pushed me to see that I (and only I) can create the life that I want. As a business coach, Mary taught me specific ways to reach out to people, start conversations, and expand my client list. She gave me so much new language that I feel confident using- not salesly, but genuine and interested in others and their stories. I'm so thankful for everything that I learned in working with Mary. 
Anna Gustafson
Financial Success Coach

Mary Gallagher

Mary Gallagher is a professional life and business coach who is passionate about helping people actualize their full potential and create their heartfelt dreams. She works with a wide range of clients - including coaches - who want to make what feels impossible possible and lead authentic and empowered lives. 

She has been personally coached by Melissa Ford and Carolyn Freyer Jones and is a student of Steve Chandler's Online ASC. She is in her second year working with Amber Kryzs, and is her current apprentice.

In her first year as a full-time coach, she made multiple six-figures simply by using the Prosperous Coach Approach. The year after, she increased her earnings while bringing balance, wellness and joy back into the equation.

Mary serves individuals and corporate/athletic teams in her coaching practice and is a keynote speaker and workshop leader for organizations and conferences. She lives in Charleston, South Carolina.

Enrollment Masterclass Series Part 1


Friday, April 19 @ 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET

Workshop Completed. Join for the Next One - Relax & Propose on May 17th. 

This workshop is about transforming your relationship with enrollment and client creation. 

Imagine feeling so confident in enrollment that you completely forget it's enrollment and allow yourself to settle into your gifts, attune to your inner wisdom and coach your heart out. 

Imagine knowing exactly what to say and do at the start, middle, and end of conversations to support the deepest level of transformation possible.

Imagine being so energized and relaxed, confident and curious, and in awe that you get to do this work. 

This is all possible! 

Here's what it takes:

  • A simple and flexible system that feels as easy as riding a bike and that allows for tangents, creativity, intuition and flow.
  • Cleaning up any judgments and misunderstandings you have about yourself, sales, enrollment and coaching.
  • Patience, courage, and persistence. 

The great news is — all of this can be learned and you can learn it at any stage in your business.

In this 2.5 hour workshop, I'm going to teach you what it takes - both process-wise and mindset-wise.

I'll show you how to create enrollment conversations that lead to transformation and connect you with your gifts as a coach. 

And when people experience transformation (in big and small ways), they often want more!

This naturally leads to proposals, which is Part 2 of this series, and is how you create a coaching business.  

In Rock & Enroll, You Will:

  • Understand the enrollment journey, your role, and the key transformation opportunities.

  • Learn the 5 must-do’s and must-don’ts for powerful enrollment conversations.

  • Create a mindset routine for serving, trusting, and unattaching.

  • Feel confident and ready to implement in your next conversation — and actually look forward to it. 

  • Take away a self-assessment tool to stay sharp and in learning mode.
  • Receive a 25-page enrollment conversation guide plus the recording of the workshop for future reference.