
Join the Into the World Challenge

You know what your dreams are, right? 

You know what it’s like to want something, to envision what could be possible, to have a seed of inspiration planted inside your heart that calls for your attention. 

You were born with a powerful imagination. 

The problem is we have this internal “scared bunny syndrome” that - while designed to keep us safe and alive - can also go overboard and get us into trouble. 

The “scared bunny syndrome” holds us back from our dreams. 

We shrink and play small. We run. We hide. We freeze. 

We delay and put things off until next year, until we're ready, until it's the right time - again and again.

Our “scared bunny” can dress up as a number of things:

❌ Perfectionism



Being Realistic

❌ People Pleasing

❌ Procrastination

❌ Self-Doubt

❌ Over caretaking

❌ And plain old and familiar Fear.

Instead of fighting for our dreams, we fight for our limitations and all the reasons it won't work.

These patterns are really good at (seemingly) keeping us safe, but they often do more harm than good. 

Do you really want to carry around withering dreams all your life? 

Is that why you’re here?

To duck and cover at the first whiff of challenge or uncertainty? 

I don’t think so. 

This is why I've created a new program called: 

The Into the World Challenge

This will be like nothing you’ve ever done before.

It’s not a group. It’s not a mastermind.

This is a challenge. It’s You vs. You.

And it's Us supporting each other with wild cheerleading, love, and enthusiasm.

This challenge will focus on getting “Into the World” (whatever that means for you professionally and/or personally) and having a fun time doing it.

For some, that will mean business networking. For others, it's re-entering the workforce. For some, it's all about creating new adult friendships.

We start October 11th on Zoom and run for 4 consecutive weeks. There is also a facebook group for community and support.

Games, fun, play and teamwork will guide you in transforming your “scared bunny syndrome” patterns so that you can have more of what you want and sooner rather than later.

Imagine being centered and playful as you get out of your head and into the world in new ways, feeling connected to a deeper purpose, more ease and grace as you take action, and quieting the voice of your inner critic while being supported and celebrated in a community.

What kind of ripple effect would that create in your life? Wanna find out?

Learn more and join here.See you inside,


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