
Don't Sweat Your Small Start

Starting something new isn’t the real problem is it?

It’s starting small that is the deterrent for most of us.

Dreams such as . . .

  • Growing your business

  • Launching a group

  • Reaching new audiences

  • Partnering with organizations

  • Hosting a retreat

  • (insert your dream here)

. . . are often unnecessarily delayed because of our resistance to starting small. 

We get in thought loops of:

😱 What if no one shows up?

 😱 What if I fail?

 😱 What if I’m rejected?

Then comes the next wave of worry:

😱 No guarantee of success

😱 Fear of being judged

😱 Not being perfect

Given all of that, wanting to crawl back into bed and never give your dreams another minute of your time and energy makes sense.

So what’s a coach to do? 


Look at Nature and History. 

Many things in nature start small.

The 14-foot sunflower in my garden started as a ½ inch seed.

The monarch butterfly begins as a tiny caterpillar the size of a pinhead. 

Notable figures past and present have also started small.

Oprah Winfrey started at a radio station as a teenager.

Ralph Lauren started as a clothing salesperson designing ties for another company. 

A mammoth sunflower has to start small so it can build the root system, stalk and leaves to support a huge and heavy blossom.

The opposite doesn’t work.

You’ve heard of lottery winners spending all their money within a few years. Their sudden wealth shocks their system and without a small start to build wealth management skills and tools, they lose it all.

Starting small is not a bad thing.

It’s FOR your benefit.

Because it gives the gifts of:

🎁 Time

🎁 Experience

🎁 Learning

Starting small means you can build the capacity, knowledge and creativity to grow into something big and have a foundation of support and experience to sustain.


Check this out. The etymology of the word “start” is so freaking fun!

Its Germanic root *stert-* means “to fall, to tumble.”

However, from middle English *sterten* means “to leap, jump.”

What a great paradox to play with it.

At its etymological foundation, "start "means you’re going to fall and you’re also going to soar.

When you start something new, you will fall and fail a bit (or a lot).

There will be tumbles and troubles.

You’ll get feedback. You’ll learn and adjust.

And then you transcend by leaps and bounds!

But that only happens if you start!

3. DO

Create our powerful “Start Story” ASAP.

In 2018, I spoke at my first professional conference.

There were 7 people in attendance for my session, including my mom and boyfriend.

And of the remaining five attendees, two were under the age of 6 (children of a participant).

You do the math.

Three “real” people were there.

The event organizers even stopped in for a while because they felt bad for me.

Now fast forward five years.

Next month, I’ll be speaking to a group of over 350 people.

Recently, I gave this same coaching to one of my amazing clients Hannah Montero.

She’s an intuitive life and business coach who is creating a movement in Belize through transformational retreats in beautiful resort spaces.

Five days before her first ever men’s retreat, she only had one person RSVP’d.

Naturally, she had doubts and wanted to pull out. I think we all can relate.

I invited her to time travel.

“Two year from now, when you are the most well known and sought-after coach and facilitator for retreats and transformational work in Belize, and you look back on this day, what do you want to say:

“I had one person sign up, so I quit.


“I had one person sign up and I still showed up, served my heart out, and gave the most amazing experience possible. And look at me now!”

She’s a powerful creator. She chose option B.

And she ran her retreat enrollment through the finish line. She powerfully served three men who gave the most amazing testimonials and she already has a waitlist for the next men’s retreat.

And are you ready for this?

Today a resort hired her to train their entire team of 40+ people.

So look at her now!

Starting small is the pathway to success.

I’m curious, what's your takeaway from this message?

Are you looking at starting small differently now? I hope so!

Now it’s time to press PLAY and GO START!

Cheering for you and your small start,



I too am starting something small and you get the first look - a new program called the Into the World Challenge. 

This is about getting outta your head,

outta bed,

off the couch,

and away from the screen.

This is about no more hiding or holding back.

It's time to get . . .


Create the life, business, and goals you really desire while having a crazy amount of fun doing it as the social creature that you are.

This will be unlike anything you've ever experienced - click HERE to learn more and I invite you to join!


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