
Are You Ready for a Great Second Half 2023?

It's halftime.

So grab your gatorade and sweat towel and take a deep breath.

Tomorrow, July 1st, we begin the second half of 2023.

I played a lot of sports as child and DI basketball in college.

I've always loved halftime.

When I was five, it was because of the orange slices. But as I matured as an athlete, I loved it for the opportunity.

If things were working, it was about increasing momentum, staying strong and confident and crushing it the rest of the game.

If things weren't working, then it was a valuable time to reset, adjust, and create a new approach - both mentally and physically.

As a professional coach, taking a halftime break to reflect, recharge, and recommit to your business and goals is essential.

What you do during halftime influences how you finish the game and this year.

Here are 11 questions to help you (and your clients) come out of halftime on fire:

  1. What’s currently working?

  2. What can I celebrate? How have I been amazing?

  3. What’s currently not working?

  4. What actions, habits and thoughts are contributing to things not working?
  5. Where am I holding back or letting fear control me?

  6. Where am I not keeping my word to myself and others?

  7. What does my heart desire for the rest of 2023?

  8. What challenges will I likely face next and how do I want to handle them?

  9. What is draining me and how can I remove or mitigate it?

  10. What is energizing me and how can I amplify or increase it?

  11. What mantra will help me finish 2023 engaged, proud, and on purpose?

And of course, any good coach knows the impact of a powerful halftime speech to inspire greatness.

So I recorded one for you! 

Just send me an email: [email protected] and put speech in the subject line and I'll send it your way.

Cheering for you and your second half,


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